Three sisters and brothers were we, just before the windows were broken

Brought up were we, in the houses with gardens without trees

An ill-omened winter was it. Maybe in December

In the dead of winter, if ever it disturbed mother


Never had we ever seen such a downpour piercing in the houses

A crimson love, a crimson sunset, growing up were we, slowly and silently


An overpouring despair was it, in fact, the make-believe prayer and the night


There is something that is clutched and never lets go

I am I and not am I that I

In such a way that the autumn

Is crashing into the evenings of mine madly


If I ever think a bit more

We were brothers and sisters, is what I can say. night was my dream

And, then, we departed from the town


That address was lost, as that flood was


Two corpses and a wounded body in his throat. all is over,

That was what the youngest of all was saying

The torn photographs of a house by the bank of the frozen lake

That is what I remember when I force my memory


Never had we ever met before, maybe not at all

Never had we ever been in a battlefield

Never had we known how the blood flowed, nor how the warm blood froze

All of a sudden, our hands over our mouths, as if signalling to keep silent


We never kept silent ever


Whenever a tree falls down

Whenever the time looks as if it is crimson


Three sisters and brothers were we. that was the fact. the carbon paper was torn apart

Did we have names that we were called by, or colours

Nothing at all. How should I know


Wake me up, oh life. Find a well deep inside me

Because three brothers and sisters were we. That is what I remember



(Translated into English by Aysu ERDEN)


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düşümdü gece 


biz üç kardeştik camlar kırılmadan önce

avlusunda ağaç olmayan evlerde büyümüştük

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zemheri derdi, olaydı annem  


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çarpıyor akşamlarıma  


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sonra ayrıldık şehirden  


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zaman kırmızıya çalsa  


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çünkü üç kardeştik biz. öyle hatırlıyorum




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