performans ve video sanat
- Nam Jane Paik
- Lida Abdul http://www.lidaabdul.com/index.html
As an artist who works both in performance and video art, Lida Abdul creates poetic spaces that allow the viewer to interrogate the familiar and the personal. Her work is guided by a ritualized formalism that insinuates the immediacy of myth and the playfulness of a mind seeking to understand the surrounding world. In many ways, witnessing her pieces is like attempting to understand the riddles of the gestures and the repetitions that highlight her work. Abdul's work is located at the intersection between art and architecture; it invites the viewer to see the unfolding of new forms but never resolves the contradictions and the paradoxes, the purpose of which
seems to be to make us doubt our claims of understanding.
Born in Kabul, Afghanistan in 1973, and resides there now. Abdul lived in Germany and India as a refugee after she was forced to leave Afghanistan after the former-Soviet invasion. Her work fuses the tropes of ‘Western” formalism with the numerous aesthetic traditions--Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, pagan and nomadic--that collectively influenced Afghan art and culture. She has produced work in many media including video, film, photography, installation and live performance. Her most recent work has been featured at the Venice Biennale 2005, Istanbul Modern, Kunsthalle Vienna, Museum of Modern Art Arnhem, Netherlands and Miami Central, CAC Centre d'Art Contemporain de Bretigny, and Frac Lorraine Metz, France. She has also exhibited in festivals in Mexico, Spain, Germany, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan; She was also a featured artist at the Central Asian Biennial 2004. For the past few years, Abdul has been working in different parts of Afghanistan on projects exploring the relationship between architecture and identity.
- Marina Abramovic http://www.artnet.com/artist/1202/marina-abramovic.html
Marina Abramović (d. 30 Kasım 1946, Belgrad, Yugoslavya) Yugoslav Performans sanatçısıdır.
1960'larda ortaya çıkan body art yani beden sanatının önemli bir temsilcisidir. Abramović performanslarıyla fiziksel ve zihinsel potansiyelin sınırlarını zorlayan ve araştıran bir sanatçıdır. Bir beden sanatçısı olarak, kendini parçalara ayırmış, kırbaçlamış, buz kütleleri üzerinde vücudunu dondurmuş, psikoaktif ürünler ve hafıza kaybına uğramasına yol açan kas kontrol ürünleri almıştır. Performanslarının birinde alev alan bir perdenin altında boğularak ölme tehlikesi atlatmıştır.
kaynak ve devamı: http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Abramovi%C4%87
- Semiha Berksoy http://www.semihaberksoy.com/
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