Time is running out - muse
muse: time is running out
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koştukça gövdesi kızıl, yeleleri kara
yorgun rüzgâra şirk koşmaktan
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- deryaonder's blog
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Akasya Telaşı
Posted April 18th, 2008 by deryaonder
Digraf Yayıncılık - Şiirden Dizisi: 29
1.Basım Nisan 2008, İstanbul
Genel Yayın Yönetmeni: Metin Cengiz
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Posted July 2nd, 2007 by deryaonderThe seas are here, the boats of the sea
The captains of the ships, the children
Those hungry bollards swallowing the wind
Devouring the wind madly
To make time understandable
I am hanging my watch on the ropes where clothes are being dried
Each departure of yours is but a drop that falls on the roads
This is not something that shrinks when washed
Neither a ball of wool that becomes entangled while being disentangled
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Posted July 2nd, 2007 by deryaonderWe are on the verge of the night that is approaching, whirling and whirling
At the edge of the bridge composed of the murmurs uttered when we are delirius
How is it possible to narrate why all these injuries occur, without arms and weapons
How is it possible to explain this depthlessness causing the flower to fade
Life is a ball of silk thread, multicoloured
Life is all the sad poppies standing still under the rainbow
The mystery in how a man falls in love with a woman silently
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Posted July 2nd, 2007 by deryaonderThree sisters and brothers were we, just before the windows were broken
Brought up were we, in the houses with gardens without trees
An ill-omened winter was it. Maybe in December
In the dead of winter, if ever it disturbed mother
Never had we ever seen such a downpour piercing in the houses
A crimson love, a crimson sunset, growing up were we, slowly and silently
An overpouring despair was it, in fact, the make-believe prayer and the night
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